A Style Guide and Terminology Manager Solve a Business Problem
Do we need a style guide for our help center or knowledge base? And if so, which style guide? How…
Managing Post Sales Content, or Why Word is a Terrible Awful Content Tool
Word (or Google Docs) is everywhere. Every company has them and people spend their days writing reports, project notes, and…
Are They Frequently Asked Questions, Though?
Support people and their managers seem to love Frequently Asked Questions, or FAQs, in knowledge base content. You see them…
Knowledge base templates: Writing for expert audiences
In previous blog posts, I’ve written about knowledge base content strategy for different levels of users. I’ve covered Naïve and…
Knowledge base templates: writing for intermediate customers
The Intermediate audience is where the bulk of your users live–the competent part of the audience journey. The audience journey…
Knowledge bases templates: writing for beginning customers
Developing product-use information for Naïve and Beginning audiences has unique challenges. This article explains what these audiences need and includes…
Defining the knowledge base content for your audience
Audience drives every detail you include in any communication. What does the audience know before they get to you? What…
Good procedures: Long processes
This article covers how to write long and complex multistep procedures. These procedures are valid sometimes, especially if you’re having…
Good procedures: reducing complexity
Let’s look at how to structure tasks. We’ve all looked at a set of procedures in our life that had…
Mastering Procedure Writing: Key Concepts and Guidelines
Procedures are core to most business writing. Telling people how to book time off or how to set up the…